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Coast to Coast are licensed in both NSW and QLD to carry out all aspects of your renovation works from design through to completion, including providing and co-ordinating all trades necessary to complete the task.
We are your one point of contact throughout the life of your project.


It is a legal requirement in Queensland that all building work over $3,300 is carried out under contract by appropriately licensed and insured contractors and has insurance cover under the QBCC home warranty scheme.


Full information on this scheme can be found here :-


It is a legal requirement in New South Wales that all building work over $5000 is carried out under contract by appropriately licensed and insured contractors.


In addition any work over $20,000 must be covered by insurance under the  Home Building Compensation Scheme.

Full information on this scheme can be found here :-


Although there are slight differences in detail between the 2 states, both sets of rules and the insurance schemes are a safeguard for you, the customer, ensuring that you are covered in situations where the contractor fails to complete the work or the work is defective.

In addition, as we have to arrange the cover on your behalf and only appropriately licensed contractors are able to do this, it is a confirmation by the states licensing authority that we are qualified, licensed and insured for the contracted scope of works.


Coast to Coast carries out all work to fully comply with the legislation in force in both states.

This is in addition to our statutory business insurances covering public liability.


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